I get asked this question AT LEAST once a week! “I want to learn more about photography, what kind of camera should I buy”. While I do love to offer suggestions, the kind of camera you start with really doesn’t matter in the long run. But I get it, you just need a good starting place. The second most often question I get is “What kind of camera do YOU have?” While I am completely transparent with all the equipment I use – (check out this blog post to see everything I currently have in my camera bag, including links)
For beginners that think just getting a “fancy” camera is going to give them amazing photos, it’s like the analogy of asking an incredible chef “hey what kind of stove do you have?”. LOL! It may seem sassy and a bit over dramatic, but the point is that it really doesn’t matter much. What matters the most is LEARNING photography! Just like a chef has to learn how to cook well, and he could probably cook well no matter what kind of tools he has available to him.
Since I am a huge lover of Canon – I always recommend to beginners any of the Canon Rebel series. You need a camera that has settings you can switch into manual so you can be completely in charge of the camera. It’s best if you can buy just the body of the camera, but entry level cameras usually come with a kit lens. The lens that comes with the camera is almost always not worth the money. The way to really start creating some WOW in your images has a lot to do with what kind of lens you are using. I always recommending starting with a 50 mm prime lens (prime means it is one fixed focal length and does not zoom). 50 mm is basically what the human eye “sees” so looking through the camera with a 50 mm lens is a good place to start. I highly recommend investing in some good education before you invest in really good equipment. Learn as much as you can on a starter camera and then upgrade as you grow out of your camera and what it has to offer.
You can read more on this topic and why I shoot with what I do in a recent blog post “What is in My Camera Bag Now”.
If you want to learn more about HOW to use that fancy camera – check out these digital courses HOP is now offering!
Much Love,