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I want a fancy camera, what should I get? I get asked this question AT LEAST once a week! “I want to learn more about photography, what kind of camera should I buy”. While I do love to offer suggestions, the kind of camera you start with really doesn’t matter in the long run. But I […]
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The Importance of SEO – (Search Engine Optimization) Have you ever wondered how important SEO is to your small business? Have I got a story for you!! An inquiry came in through my website as per usual one day with a bit of an odd request. It was from a very sweet young woman asking […]
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What kind of camera should I buy? Can I tell you I get asked this question at LEAST once a week! Many years ago I put together a similar blog post where I shared everything in my bag! As a photographer, we should always be learning and evolving and trying new things. While some of […]
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Should I apply to be a Heather O’Steen Photography Dance Ambassador? That’s a GREAT question and I’m so glad you asked! We are just about to begin our second annual HOP Ambassador search and there have been so many questions that I hope to answer for you here. What Is a HOP Ambassador? The […]
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Show It United 2019 I’ve had this little blog of mine waaaay back since 2007. I started it way back then to document not only my photography journey, but my life in raising our three girls. Sooo much has changed in the 13 years I’ve been documenting my photography here. About a year ago, I […]
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There is nothing more exciting for a photographer than for our work to be published! I’m starting what I hope to be the start of a nice collection of posts where my work has been published. Thanks for stopping by and celebrating with me! Click here to see my photography featured in a ShootProof Blog […]
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A Baltimore Ballerina When my love for ballet collides with my love for photography, and you throw in a beautiful city like Baltimore – magical things happen! Madison has been dancing with my girl at the same studio for ten years now. She and my daughter both trained together. She is incredibly talented and I […]
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2nd birthday at The Maryland Zoo! Carter celebrated turning TWO at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore with a fun photo session. This cute little boy has been in front of my camera since he was just a few days old. He absolutely LOVES zoo animals so it was the perfect location to document everything about […]
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Whats In My Camera Bag? I get asked so often “Whats In Your Camera Bag?” or “What kind of camera should I buy?” or “How do I start a photography business?” or “What is the very first lens I should buy?” These questions are some of the most often that I hear on a weekly […]
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BE SURE TO GRAB YOUR FREE GUIDE FOR PHOTOGRAPHING DANCERS BY CLICKING HERE It’s safe to say I have a love affair with dance photography. It’s just about my favorite thing to photograph – and it is NOT EASY!! Which is probably one of the reasons I like it so much! Have you ever wondered […]
the details
Choose from three simple packages with the option to change your mind later! Each package includes a styling guide, our time together and a certain amount of high resolution digital images. Pricing is all inclusive, there are never hidden charges.
the investment guide