Over the past year I have lost my grandmother and my stepmother. Even though they were both somewhat expected, it has been much harder than I thought it would be. I recently stopped to buy some early Mother’s Day cards before I took a quick trip to Florida. Standing in the aisle at Target I had a little moment when I realized that I only had to buy two cards this year instead of the normal four. Now more than ever the importance of photographing our parents and grandparents is of utmost importance!
My love of photography has so many deep rooted meanings that I plan to share one day soon here on the blog. One of the most important ones is of course because it makes time stand still. It freezes moments in time forever. It captures tiny details that our own eyes miss in the moment and allows us to study them forever. Since my last two trips to Florida were to say my last good-byes to dear family members, I decided this Spring Break trip to Florida also needed to include documenting and preserving the beautiful life we have – while we have it.
My husband and I were fortunate to grow up in the same little small town in Florida. We can go back “home” and have both sets of parents in the same location making it SO nice to see everyone together. I scheduled a quick session with both of our parents at the same time together in a flower field that just happened to be in bloom right down the road from their house.
These are my husbands parents – Nana and Papa G. They have been married 55 years! Papa is a military veteran and worked for the local phone company until retirement. Nana raised her two children, has four grandchildren and is an accomplished seamstress. She owned her own sewing business for many years.
I just love these silly pictures. It captures real life – our Nana’s sassy personality, our Papa G and his sweet loving determination, a cute little grand-daughter helping out while holding her Papa’s walking stick, wearing his hat, and holding a magazine to shield my lens from the sun!
These are my parents – Gaga and my step-dad Papa Ed. They have been married about 45 years – I was only four years old when they married. Papa Ed was a blueberry farmer, a farm he inherited from his own father and worked it until he sold it to retire. My mom is a care giver – she cared for her five children, her own mother until her recent passing and now she is caring for her aging husband. Gaga and Papa have ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren! I’m so happy to have captured this chapter of their lives for them. I know my entire family will all treasure these images for decades to come!
Much Love,