perfect fall weather
homeschool and church friends
wild and crazy hayrides
screams of laughter
beautiful sunset
flying hay
warm jackets
sister memories
taking pictures of friends taking pictures
protecting camera from flying hay and children
chatting with friends
falling hay from above
put your hoods up!
lost shoes
lost children
wagon rides
smell of woodsmoke
hot apple cider
checkers on hay bales
hay maze
roasting marshmallows
roasting hot dogs
marshmallows on fire
toasty hands
surprise visit from old friends
campfire songs
Beachmont memories
Amazing Grace
God of Wonders
I’ll Fly Away
like-minded families
making memories
worshipping God
screams of laughter echoing off the hills
popping sizzling campfires
special friends
saying goodbye ’til we meet again
Wow! Looks a great event! Wonderful pictures!
Looks like loads of fun. I wish we still lived in the same neighborhood.