Today is my Punkin’s last official day as a homeschooler. She starts back tomorrow and Friday (as shadow/transition days), and then the new semester officially begins on Monday. It’s kinda sad for me, but she is so excited. Who am I going to double check with when I have a question about Banana’s grammer rules, or math rules….. all those things that I tend to forget? I’m sure it will all work out. Today we have enjoyed a little bit more of a casual day, doing the kinds of things that make such sweet memories of homeschooling.

Boo enjoyed spelling with her letters – she amazes me at how quickly she progresses. She is reading her little beginner reader books quite fluently now.
And after Punkin did some reading in “Great Expectations”, she enjoyed some art sketching time.
And Banana was changing her settings on her laptop after completing her math lesson (we love Teaching Textbooks for math) – she changed her mouse cursor symbol to a BANANA!! What else?
And while I was drilling Banana on her multiplication facts with flash cards – Punkin jumped in and a fierce competition to yell out the answer first began – with Boo joining in yelling random numbers for good measure!
Sweet homeschooling memories – and a new chapter begins tomorrow!

I know you will miss have Kirsten at home, but you made some very special memories this past semester. And Boo will fill that void in quite a bit I am sure. So many changes in life all the time.
oh i love your gorgeous pictures! so glad you visited me today.
Thanks for all the great pics of the kids.